Turning Poetry Into A Party
Long-term Baltimore host, Kish the Lioness, has turned poetry into a party, and it’s a weekly vibe. From poets and comedians to singers and even martial artists, this open-mic style party happens every Wednesday in Baltimore. It’s more than an open mic. It’s a:
Performance and development program
Team of passionate artists
Full-on process
This collective of different kinds of art is streamed and recorded so the artists have professional footage of their performances. They even partnered with a professional production team to film the entire show, which you can stream on YouTube.
So what does this weekly poetry party look like?
Developing the poet
If you’re looking for a place to polish up your skills as a professional poet, Poetry Party is there. They want to be the support system for growth and the platform for gigs and opportunities.
Poetry Party offers internships to artists who attend Poetry Party. One season of Poetry Party is six months, and over that time, those in the program learn whatever it is they want to learn about. Some people might want to explore what it’s like to be a host, photographer, videographer, audio engineer, or what have you. And Poetry Party has those roles to teach others.
Kish the Lioness says the start with the question, “What’s the thing keeping you from the next step?” and then work on that for the next six months.
She says:
“We want to help artists manage their processes. Our development will come from finding out what it is that you lack and the opportunities that you need and then fine tune and polish.”
At the end of six months, they can decide if they want to stay put, try something else, or if they’ve learned what they wanted to learn and be done.
One crucial thing to remember to grow as an artist?
Be okay with not being picked.
Kish says, “So many people give up when they don’t get picked. It’s staying consistent through that and being able to understand and see your own value and just push.”
Forming the team
Sometimes, you don’t go find the team. The team finds you.
Kish explains, “I never asked for a team, and I never hired. The team kind of assembled, gratefully. It’s been a year that I’ve worked with the team and alongside these artists. It’s a constant flow of new ideas, checks and balances so we can polish each other. We stay sharp and are always providing something new for people.”
Once the team forms, you’ve got to be open up to others helping shape your passion project. The team cares as much as you do and has a variety of perspectives and ideas to bring to the table.
Kish says she allows herself to receive ideas, opinions, surveys, etc.
As any good leader does, she gives credit where credit is due. Here are a few ideas her team has shared or implemented:
Surveys: A customer can do a survey on their phone in an app.
Mobile sign-up list: They have an app for people to sign up for open mic that gives them the time and an alert to know when it’s almost time.
Theme nights: They had fire pit night where people brought their most fire pieces
A Poetry Party logo, face masks, and website
She says, “We’re making sure everyone has the things they need so we can grow and build. We’re starting with ourselves so when we’re helping other people, we can be the example.”
Poet Life Podcast Host Christoph Jenkins made a powerful point:
“So many people give examples without becoming the example.”
And that’s exactly what Kish the Lioness and her team at Poetry Party are doing. They’re setting the example.
Improving the process towards the endgame
The Poetry Party is about a two to three day process each week.
Wednesdays is where the magic happens.
Thursdays are a recap where they set goals (one individually per person and one collectively as a team), watch the footage, and pick the artists they want to keep on the show and put through the development program.
Thursdays also involve family dinner at one of the teammate’s homes. What’s a poetry community without poetry fam time, right?
Monday afternoons include a meeting to follow up on the action items from Thursday’s goal setting, as well as time to prepare for Wednesday’s show. Everybody has their roles in making the show happen.
So where is all of this effort leading?
Kish says, “The end game is international. My goal is to be on Netflix or a Netflix equivalent to provide this platform on an international basis for local artists to be seen around the world. Because we’re good enough. And I think poetry is due for this. The poetry industry is due for this.”
The moral of the story? Other than how awesome Poetry Party is and that you need to check it out?
Be the example. Know your team may form in ways you aren’t expecting and will take your vision to a whole new level. And develop the people you’re working with to let them shine. Because when they shine, you shine, and your passion project shines.
Watch the full episode to get even more insight from Kish the Lioness on Poetry Party and more!
Kish the Lioness is a Baltimore-based creator, emphasizing in curating platforms that empower HEALing and couRAGE to vulnerable woman and girls. She uses motivational art and networking to bridge gaps between those who have it and those who need it. Learn all about Kish the Lioness at poetryandlocs.com/kishthelioness